I hear you loud and clear Kirk. On the one hand it is pretty cool to see so
much interest in battery-based systems, on the other hand the level of
misinformation being spread around is frightening and time-consuming to

There is a Bill McKibbon article in the New Yorker this week where he
unfortunately, loudly and clearly, repeats the Tesla marketing spiel. He
reports from the CEO of Green Mountain Power  -  "Powell was excited by its
low price: three thousand dollars, far below what analysts had predicted,
and low enough that her company could immediately begin installing it for
customers, especially those who wanted backup electricity in case a
snow-storm disabled the grid."

Here's  a link the article:

The more I re-read this the angrier I get, and honestly it would be awesome
to send a group co-signed letter to the New Yorker refuting this inanity
and telling Bill M to do his homework. Send me an email off-list if anyone
wants to follow-up.
Rebekah Hren

On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 1:36 PM, Kirk Herander <k...@vtsolar.com> wrote:

> Here’s the reply I just got back from Solaredge:
> “As this stands ATM Tesla has only announced the product, not finished
> developing it. As Tesla finalizes it the details will become available.
> Please click StorEdge on the bottom right of the web page and sign up for
> the announcements as they come available. Furthermore all of our inverters
> are compatible with this announcement “
> I get a funny vibe about all this hype / vaporware. Announced, but still
> in development. Kind of like the Powerwall itself. The Powerwall is
> supposedly sold out through 2016, with $800 mil in advance orders, and no
> product being shipped. Are there any Powerwalls in operation anywhere in
> the real world? Even in beta test?
> Available tech info on both Powerwall and Storedge is basically zero. Too
> bad nonsense marketing like this causes some potential customers to delay
> their commitment to install a system.
> *Kirk Herander*
> *VT Solar, LLC *
> *Proven PV provider since 1991*
> *www.vermontsolarnow.com <http://www.vermontsolarnow.com>*
> dba Vermont Solar Engineering
> NABCEPTM Inaugural Certificant
> VT RE Incentive Program Partner
> 802.863.1202
> *From:* RE-wrenches [mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org] *On
> Behalf Of *b...@midnitesolar.com
> *Sent:* Monday, June 29, 2015 2:56 PM
> *To:* RE-wrenches
> *Subject:* Re: [RE-wrenches] Solaredge Storedge
> I would think that Solar City would know all about this.
> Or, maybe I wouldn't ?
> boB
> On 6/29/2015 11:06 AM, Rebekah Hren wrote:
> I don't have any info, but the StorEdge diagram is confusing to me when it
> says "energy independence." I can see a simple compatibility between the
> Powerwall DC voltage (300 to 400VDC) and the SolarEdge operating voltage,
> ~350VDC, and I can also see how this setup could be used to maximize
> self-consumption (a grid-zero type system).
> What is confusing is the AC output of the inverter - it is not diagrammed
> as a multimode system, which is what "energy independence" would indicate
> to me. The brochure is not showing an AC loads panel that can be isolated
> from the grid, or any kind of separate transfer switch - which would be
> necessary for a multimode system.
> I would be curious to hear what the technical requirements will be to
> install the system as a multimode system, if that is indeed a possibility -
> which it may not be.
> Rebekah
> On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 8:57 AM, Kirk Herander <k...@vtsolar.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Anyone have detailed info on the Storedge battery-compatible system from
> Solaredge? I only found a brochure on their website. Apparently batteries
> can be added to a new or existing Solaredge inverter (the brochure says
> they have partnered with Tesla’s Powerwall) for backup power. They call it
> “DC-coupling”.
> *Kirk Herander*
> *VT Solar, LLC *
> *Proven PV provider since 1991*
> *www.vermontsolarnow.com <http://www.vermontsolarnow.com>*
> dba Vermont Solar Engineering
> NABCEPTM Inaugural Certificant
> VT RE Incentive Program Partner
> 802.863.1202
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