Hi All;

Thanks for the replies so far; I apologize for my misunderstood attempt at humor in my initial post. I agree with Chris here, I hire contract labor all the time, but an apprenticeship is different. Laborers top out pretty quickly and just aren't capable of learning the nuances of off grid electric design. Much of the time that's all that's needed: pick this up and take it over there,dig here, etc. I'm not looking for labor, as much as someone who could some day take over the business ( I'm 50 now) and go out and troubleshoot systems on their own. I consider off grid solar to be more of a craft than mere construction contracting. An apprenticeship implies a much longer term arrangement where they may be paid less, but can expect training to the point of getting their electrical license and making a career out of it. I'm having a much harder time finding the sort of person that wants to make that sort of commitment both in time and in learning. Folks that have the smarts and ambition necessary are already busy.


R.Ray Walters
CTO, Solarray, Inc
Nabcep Certified PV Installer,
Licensed Master Electrician
Solar Design Engineer
303 505-8760

On 4/17/2015 6:22 AM, Chris Mason wrote:
I'm not sure how the term is used in America, but generally "apprentice" does not mean cheap labour. An apprentice program should be an education path to a qualification with state recognized standards, such as Electrician or Plumber. if you just want inexpensive labour, that's not an apprentice, that's a helper, labourer, intern. As someone who started life as an electrical apprentice, I object to seeing apprenticeships shortchanging the applicants.

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 7:27 PM, Dana <d...@solarwork.com <mailto:d...@solarwork.com>> wrote:

    I interview & definitely check references including: look at a
    tape measure and tell me what those little marks are between 0 &
    1”, & I look in their truck or car.

    If it’s clean they may take care of your vehicle then same and if
    it’s a mess that’s what you can expect them to do to your truck.

    Are they smokers? Is that OK in your truck?

    Can they work without checking their cell phone every time it goes
    Ding or rings?

    Do they have their own tools and do they know how to operate tools
    like your hydraulic draw punch or wire tugger without F%$ing it up
    or hurting themselves?

    Does anyone do a background check on new hires?


    Dana Orzel

    Great Solar Works, Inc -  NABCEP # 051112-136

    E - d...@solarwork.com <mailto:d...@solarwork.com> - Web -
    solarwork.com <http://solarwork.com>

    O - 970.626.5253 <tel:970.626.5253>  C - 208.721.7003

    "Responsible Technologies for Responsible People since 1988"

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    <mailto:re-wrenches-boun...@lists.re-wrenches.org>] *On Behalf Of
    *Ray Walters
    *Sent:* Thursday, April 16, 2015 4:50 PM
    *To:* RE-wrenches
    *Subject:* [RE-wrenches] Apprentice

    Hi Folks;

    I am considering hiring an apprentice, and I wanted to know if any
    else has tried this, and what advice and experience everyone had
    to offer.
    Also what would be the best way to advertise: Craig's List? /

    Wanted passionate techy soul to share warm fires and cold brews
    with, watch beautiful sunsets over off grid arrays in remote
    locations, sometimes carry leaky hazardous materials/.....
    mmmm.  Obviously I need some help.

    Thanks in Advance,

    R.Ray Walters

    CTO, Solarray, Inc

    Nabcep Certified PV Installer,

    Licensed Master Electrician

    Solar Design Engineer

    303 505-8760  <tel:303%20505-8760>

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Chris Mason
NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer™
Solar Design Engineer
Generac Generators Industrial technician

www.cometsolar.com <http://www.cometenergysystems.com>
Skype: netconcepts

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