Hi Larry,

LG MonoX NeON 300 W is one of the highest non-SunPower 60 modules:


They are hard to get your paws on though. I think they are selling their
limited supply to markets that will bear higher prices like Japan but they
are bringing some into the US.

Best, August

*August Goers*


Luminalt Energy Corporation

o: 415.641.4000

m: 415.559.1525


On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 8:17 AM, Larry Crutcher, Starlight Solar Power
Systems <la...@starlightsolar.com> wrote:

> Hey Kirk,
> We have sold sanyo then Panasonic modules for over a decade. Not only were
> they highly efficient, they were the last truly high performance modules in
> the US. I have exhausted my search for them, only 3 left in stock.
> Panasonic will not return my phone calls or emails.
> There are dozens of China companies making small and expensive modules
> using SunPower cells but I doubt any are listed. I managed to buy some 327
> and 435 Watt Sunpower modules dirt cheap "from a guy". These were
> cosmetically blemished laminates that someone framed. Isc tests show they
> are producing rated power or higher but the frame is light and the cell
> surface has blotches under the glass. No listing on these either but my off
> grid customers in Mexico love them for the performance and cheap price per
> Watt.
> Does anyone know which of the 60 cell manufacturers have the highest
> module efficiency?
> Larry
> On Apr 25, 2014, at 5:05 AM, Kirk Herander <k...@vtsolar.com> wrote:
> Now that it appears Sanyo/Panasonic is no longer available, and Sunpower
> distribution is tightly controlled, what other high-efficiency alternatives
> are U.S.-available? Thanks.
> *Kirk Herander*
> *VT Solar, LLC*
> *Un-Common quality since 1991*
> *www.vermontsolarnow.com*
> dba Vermont Solar Engineering
> NABCEPTM Inaugural Certificant
> VT RE Incentive Program Partner
> 802.863.1202
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