Yingli has Panda modules which are high efficiency but will not be
available in the USA.

Chris Mason
Comet Systems
Anguilla (264) 235-5670
St. Kitts  (869) 662-5670
skype netconcepts

NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer™
Renewable Energy Systems professional
Generac Generators Factory technician
On Apr 25, 2014 1:48 PM, "Marco Mangelsdorf" <ma...@pvthawaii.com> wrote:

> Check out this company: http://silevosolar.com/.
> They’re producing an 18+ percent efficient Si module.
> Oh….so much can be said on these subjects.  (Full disclosure: I was caught
> up in the first go-round of the PV tariffs battle and am far from an
> unbiased observer.)
> Note that there have yet to be any new PV tariffs announced by the U.S.
> Dept. of Commerce.  There was to be an announcement on possible
> countervailing (CV) duties at the end of March, but it was delayed until
> June.  (First they announce possible CV duties then announce possible
> anti-dumping duties; the AD tariffs are the nasty ones.)
> Yes, good ole Frank Asbeck and his not so merry band at Solarworld.  SW
> has lost big money these past 10 straight quarters to the tune of about
> $1.55 billion dollars total and projects not to be profitable for more
> quarters to come...if they last that long.  Rather than do what needs to be
> done as far as their cost structure, Asbeck et al. has spent a considerable
> amount of time and effort and money going after the Chinese over the past
> three years.  To what end?  How has this behavior benefitted his
> German-based company let alone the PV industry writ large?
> Regarding Panasonic Solar news, this is the first I’ve heard of this.
> Anyone know why they’re no longer distributing in the U.S.?
> Regarding Canadian Solar, they’re moving operations from China…to the real
> Canada.  Which will mean a bump in price of some amount when all is said
> and done.
> marco
> These anti-solar tariffs are awful!
> What a horrible disappointment--- they won't revive a dead horse (domestic
> PV manufacturing already folded), BP already closed its solar division,
> Evergreen/Astropower/countless others already folded, they won't protect
> Solar World (which isn't even a US company)----
> but they will hurt consumers:
> -drive solar businesses out of the marketplace and out of business
> -less competition and fewer options in the market = lower quality and
> higher prices
> -lack of product
> -lack of replacement product
> -aftermarket warranty support for solar will evaporate
> /wk
> William Korthof
> 714.875.3576
> Sustainable Solutions
> #956904
> On Apr 25, 2014, at 7:59 AM, Jason Szumlanski <ja...@fafcosolar.com>
> wrote:
> I heard Canadian Solar prices are on the rise, and supply will be "tight
> and uncertain." Korean made panels were recommended as an alternative.​
> Jason Szumlanski
> ​Fafco Solar​
> [image: Image removed by sender.]
> On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 8:42 AM, William Dorsett 
> <wmdors...@sbcglobal..net<wmdors...@sbcglobal.net>>
> wrote:
> I was recently told by a distributor that beginning perhaps as early as
> mid-May, that a number of Chinese manufacturers will stop shipping to the
> U.S. This is response to the solar tariffs imposed by the U.S. Does anyone
> know which specific manufacturers have announced discontinuing shipments
> and how this will tighten up the supply to U.S. installers…and thereby
> price?
> Bill Dorsett
> Sunwrights
> Manhattan, KS
> Now that it appears Sanyo/Panasonic is no longer available, and Sunpower
> distribution is tightly controlled, what other high-efficiency alternatives
> are U.S.-available? Thanks.
> *Kirk Herander*
> *VT Solar, LLC *
> *Un-Common quality since 1991*
> *www.vermontsolarnow.com <http://www.vermontsolarnow.com>*
> dba Vermont Solar Engineering
> NABCEPTM Inaugural Certificant
> VT RE Incentive Program Partner
> 802.863.1202
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