Thanks Dave, I think I was thinking about "on" in the wrong way.


On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 11:18 AM, Dave Click <> wrote:

>  Nathan, 690.12 only applies to "PV system circuits installed on or in
> buildings" so that might be your answer. You'd only be affected by 690.12
> if you're running to an interior inverter. So- your strategy of exterior
> conduit to wall-mounted inverters on the exterior of a building won't be
> subjected to the 690.12 requirement.
>  On 2014/4/15, 11:09, Nathan Charles wrote:
> Hi All,
>  I have a follow up to this discussion.  What's the proper way to think
> through this regarding ground mounts?  It seems to me that if the goal is
> to protect firefighters then running a conduit underground and coming up to
> outdoor wall mounted inverters is keeping in the spirit of things, but I'm
> not sure if the language of 690.12 supports this.  Am I mistaken?  Do you
> have any best practice advice for this scenario?
>  Best regards,
> -N
> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 12:36 PM, Drake <
>> wrote:
>> Bill,
>> It is good to see that energized conductors are going to be disconnected
>> near the arrays. I've been an advocate of disconnecting these conductors by
>> ground fault sensing equipment since ground fault detection was first
>> implemented in the code. If contactors are to be installed on roofs, it
>> likely won't be long before both ground faults and arc faults are
>> automatically cleared.
>> When the requirement for AC arc fault branch circuit protection was first
>> put in the NEC, it was postdated to allow time for the electrical industry
>> to adapt. This new remote disconnecting requirement does not provide any
>> lead time.
>> As the 2014 NEC is adopted in various jurisdictions, inspectors may feel
>> that it is necessary to disallow systems without the newly required
>> disconnect feature. This may result in serious problems for solar companies
>> and customers, as well as manufacturers.
>> The protection of firefighters is essential. The implementation of
>> renewables is essential also. Insurance claims for weather related, global
>> warming-triggered climatic disasters are rising exponentially. Extreme
>> weather related events result in major loss of life and billions of dollars
>> in property damage. Atmospheric CO2 levels continue to climb from the
>> burning of fossil fuels. This is a crisis of global proportions.
>> My request for code writers is to please take into account the effect
>> that inserting new rules into the NEC may have on the stability of
>> renewable energy, and implement new requirements in a way that will allow
>> for a smooth interface.
>> Thank you,
>> Drake
>> Drake Chamberlin
>> *Athens Electric LLC OH License 44810 CO License 3773 NABCEP Certified
>> Solar PV 740-448-7328 <740-448-7328> *
>> At 12:45 PM 1/16/2014, you wrote:
>> Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>>          boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0F94_01CF129F.BCC65BD0"
>> Content-Language: en-us
>> Jeffrey,
>> Sounds like you need to get involved in the code making process since you
>> have so many good ideas on how to improve the language. I like
>> confrontational discussions as long as they lead to a better understanding
>> and constructive outcomes.
>> About 30 people worked on this language, so it is definitely not perfect.
>> However, I don’t think it is quite as bad as you make it out to be. I
>> wanted to jump in since some of your conclusions were not correct.
>> This is a circuit requirement, not a disconnecting means requirement,
>> since it has to do with shock hazard of PV circuits in and around a
>> building. This is for firefighter safety. 30V is the international standard
>> for touch safe in a wet location. 240VA is to set a limit on the available
>> power on a circuit. Contactor combiners, which would be part of a compliant
>> solution, have 24V control circuits. The other reasoning for 240VA is that
>> internally, 72-Cell PV modules can be divided into segments of this power
>> level for the foreseeable future (more on that another day).
>> If the conductors stay outside, you have 10’ from the array to place your
>> shutdown device. On large central systems, this would likely be a contactor
>> combiner­most manufacturers sell these. If the conductors are going
>> immediately into the building, as with residential and integrated systems,
>> a shutdown device would have to be within 5’ of entering the building. If
>> goes outside for a while, then inside the building, the total length could
>> be no more than 10’ and no more than 5’ inside the building­this is not
>> additive. Remember, all this is for firefighter safety.
>> As Brian Mehalic and others have pointed out, the language does not
>> specify where the shutdown initiating device is to be located. The lack of
>> detail is more for flexibility than it is to give an AHJ license to make an
>> installer do anything they want.
>> With grid-tie only systems (no battery backup), it would be most
>> convenient and cost effective to have a system that initiates the shutdown
>> on loss of utility. In this way, a firefighter can do what they normally
>> do, shut down utility power to the building, and the rapid shutdown would
>> automatically initiate. This does not necessitate an additional
>> disconnecting means for a load-side PV connection. The main breaker could
>> be the initiating device. For a supply-side connection, the NEC already
>> requires that the PV disconnect switch be located adjacent to the service
>> disconnecting means (article 230).
>> The biggest issue with string inverters (central inverters) is that there
>> is a need to shutdown the capacitor input side of the inverter since that
>> stays energized for 5 minutes or more. The 10 seconds was to provide a
>> means to rapidly discharge the capacitors rather than requiring a relay or
>> tripping device. Doing something other than a relay will require a test
>> laboratory to evaluate the function­guess what?­we don’t have a standard
>> yet to evaluate those products. Sounds like you might want to work on that
>> committee.
>> It is more complicated for battery backup systems. Midnite Solar’s
>> birdhouse products are the best I have seen so far to address this concern.
>> Since dc and ac circuits are not differentiated, battery backup systems
>> need to have a shutdown process that works independently of a utility
>> outage for obvious reasons, and it must shutdown both the dc circuits and
>> the backup ac circuits. A separate switch, like the birdhouse, would be
>> necessary that only controls these functions in an emergency situation.
>> Is the language not detailed­possibly. This was done to provide
>> flexibility rather than create problems. Fire departments have been
>> requiring rooftop disconnects for years in California. These disconnects
>> are nearly worthless from a shock prevention point of view since capacitors
>> in the inverter stay charged or there are multiple disconnecting means
>> feeding each other. We have been trying to hold the fire community off of
>> rooftop disconnect requirements so we could work on a solution that
>> actually does what they want it to do. There is a long discussion on this
>> in the appendix of my “Understanding the CalFire Guidelines” document on
>> the SolarABCs website.
>> The 2014 NEC language was a compromise worked out with the solar industry
>> (yes string inverter companies as well) in response to the first version of
>> the proposal which was to require module-level shutdown. This is not
>> module-level shutdown, it is PV output circuit shutdown (combiner box
>> shutdown is another way to look at it). However, the 2017 NEC cycle is this
>> year and there was a lot of talk about requiring module-level shutdown this
>> time around.
>> I hope this helps. I will be writing articles for IAEI journal and other
>> periodicals on this subject since it was a very far-reaching and
>> potentially confusing new requirement in the NEC. Thanks for your interest
>> and let’s keep the constructive dialogue going on the subject. It is time
>> to get involved in the NEC update process again.
>> Bill Brooks.
>> *From:* 
>> [<>]
>> *On Behalf Of *Jeffrey Quackenbush
>> *Sent:* Thursday, January 16, 2014 1:09 AM
>> *To:* RE-wrenches
>> *Subject:* Re: [RE-wrenches] NEC 2014 690.12 Rapid Shutdown
>> Wrenches,
>> There is no guidance in the Code text for where the shutdown should take
>> place. (1) says: "Requirements for controlled conductors shall apply only
>> to PV system conductors of more than 1.5m (5') in length inside a building,
>> or more than 3m (10') from a PV array."
>> So, the provisions *apply if* the circuit 10' from the array and 5'
>> inside a building, but no mention is made of where the shutdown actually
>> needs take place in the circuit. In the video Bill Brooks suggests that the
>> shutdown mechanism should also be placed within this 10'/5' boundary but
>> that is just an inference -- nowhere in the text is this actually
>> specified. If that was the intent of the Code committee, then they've done
>> a poor job actually expressing it in English.
>> I'm concerned that some AHJs will interpret this to exclude all central
>> inverter systems (without the addition of cost-inducing secondary DC-DC
>> converters like Tigo) because the combiner or junction box can be many feet
>> from the actual beginning of a home run under the array. Alternately,
>> permissive AHJs could allow this function to be fulfilled anywhere, meaning
>> that the implementation won't meet the intent of the writers.
>> I'm also concerned, as Isaac mentioned, that there are no requirements
>> for how the shutdown be initiated, or that it contains of the accessibility
>> and grouping requirements that are always included for disconnects. I
>> really think this should be treated and categorized as a disconnect
>> requirement, not a circuit requirement, because that is the ultimate
>> function that's intended.
>> I'm surprised none of the inverter manufacturers have chosen to comment
>> here, as this could dramatically impact the sales of central inverters.
>> Jeffrey Quackenbush
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>  --
> Nathan Charles
> Engineer
> NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional #042013-20
>  Paradise Energy Solutions
> (717) 283-2021 direct
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Nathan Charles
NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional #042013-20
Paradise Energy Solutions
(717) 283-2021 direct
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