September 2013 | Creotecc Solar Mounting Systems
I use Ironridge all the time and like the sturdiness but I've always liked the 
idea of Creotecc and and really want to try it. Anyone have any first-hand 
experience? The images included in the forwarded email are interesting, 
especially when looking at the "biting" effect of Ironridge's IGS.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Creotecc US 
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 3:45 PM
Subject: Reduce Micro-Cracks and Hot Spots

                 September 4, 2013 


            Clampless Module Mounting Can Reduce Hot Spots Compelling new 
images show that Creotecc's "lay-in" rail system can reduce hot spots. These 
thermal photos from two similar ground-mount arrays reveal vastly different 
systems. The Creotecc system is devoid of hot spots because mechanical stress 
from thermal expansion is alleviated by clampless module mounting. In addition, 
mounting modules from underneath the array eliminates the risk of point loads 
from bodyweight.

            Read the entire article "Reducing Hot Spots" in this month's 
edition of North American Clean Energy. 

                  Read Article  


            Spotlight on Agriculture Farmers are experts at striking that 
balance between quality and affordability. Many businesses would do well to 
model what successful farmers have been practicing for decades: selecting the 
most robust, durable materials while keeping a tight fist on the budget. At 
Creotecc, we have been delivering strong, affordable ground mount systems to 
agriculture for years. Give us a call today for support on your next farm 

                  Contact Creotecc  

            Request A Quote Creotecc quote packages include highly competitive 
pricing, comprehensive BOM, and preliminary engineering and design.

            Projects over 500kW receive free custom construction plan sets with 
P.E. stamps, geotechnical facilitation, in-house engineering support, on-site 
training, and more. To get started, click on the link below and receive a quote 
within 48 hours.

                  Request A Quote  

      11 Janis Way | Scotts Valley, CA | 95066 | Tel: 831.438.9000 | Email: 

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            Creotecc | 11 Janis Way | Scotts Valley | CA | 95066  

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