Fellow Wrenches (who still do water pumping):
We did a 24V stand-alone water pumping system for a Y2K customer. It used a SunRise (remember them?) pump set by hand method at 100' in a new 165' well, open discharge into a storage tank, and a 24V Flowlight Booster Pump on a battery-based system with 150 watts of PV charging batteries. The batteries were replaced once and are now being replaced again, this time with AGMs. The system has worked without failure for 13 years; even the SunRise pump is still (surprise!) working.

The owners want to replace the SunRise well pump now, as they know that no parts or support are available for it, and they want the peace of mind of a new and superior pump, as they upgrade their system to be prepared for the possibility of major grid disruption. The SunRise ran at 60 Vnom from an SC1-B 24-60V proprietary converter. No other pump uses this. They don't want an inverter. They will purchase whatever replacement pump I recommend.

I am aware of four pumps that could work in this application, and am seeking others' recommendations of which to use:
1. Shurflo 9300: Well known, been around for years, easy to pull and service, but requires regular diaphragm and valve replacement, so it would not be my first choice after 13 years of no pump maintenance or service.
2. Lorentz running at half-speed at 24V: I have this running in my own well, courtesy of Windy, but won't ever specify it in a system, as (as of 1-2 years ago, when I last inquired) their main U.S. distributor instituted a policy of only selling repair/replacement parts to licensed well driller/pump installers (which we'll never be), effectively eliminating themselves from the renewable energy market. So the Lorentz is out.
3. Sun Pumps SDS series: the former Solarjack, with higher-end diaphragm pumps suitable for this application. I have very little experience with Solarjack or Sun Pumps, as I was always connected to whatever Dankoff carried, and would appreciate others' reviews. One we purchased about two years ago failed and was replaced under their warranty, so my track record with them isn't the best.
4. SunRotor: these ought to be the best in this low-head 24V application, as they (like the Lorentz) are a helical rotor design with a brushless motor. But reviews are mixed on reliability.

Anything else to recommend? Any preferences from direct experience with these or others?

Thank you,
Allan Sindelar
NABCEP Certified Photovoltaic Installer
NABCEP Certified Technical Sales Professional
New Mexico EE98J Journeyman Electrician
Founder and Chief Technology Officer
Positive Energy, Inc.
3209 Richards Lane (note new address)
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507
505 424-1112

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