This reminded me of another subject about the MATE3.


I was surprised to find out that advanced generator start does not work 
properly if the batteries reach LBCO before the 2 minute start timer fires the 
generator with an external relay attached to one of the inverters. The AGS 
settings are stored in the MATE3, so it tries to tell the inverter to trigger 
the external relay once the 2 minute voltage has been reached, but if LBCO has 
been reached, the inverter will not supply voltage to the coil.


This logic does not work. Let’s say you have LBCO set to 46.0V and the 2 minute 
start voltage set to 47.2V. Under a very heavy load, it is completely plausible 
that the LBCO could be met before the AGS via the inverter has time to start 
the generator. The only “solution” is to have an unacceptably high (IMHO) 
spread between the 2 minute start and the LBCO.


In this case, I don’t want to set the LBCO too low (i.e. default) because the 
system is unattended and if the generator does not start for whatever reason, 
it is reasonable to expect that the battery voltage could slowly decrease to 
the LBCO and then stay there for a long period of time until the problem is 
discovered. I want to keep the LBCO relatively high, but I want the generator 
to reliably start using start timers, SOC, or load. I think this is a poor 
implementation of this feature, leading me to consider a completely separate or 
auxiliary AGS system that is voltage dependent without relying on the inverter 
relay to start the generator.


Jason Szumlanski

Fafco Solar



[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 12:06 PM
To: RE-wrenches
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Re-configuring expanded array



I don't think system owner will let me pry his mate3 out of his hands.....and 
oops! it will be 2- 6 slot combiners....thanks for the feedback. Look forward 
to meeting you someday.



Holt E. Kelly
Holtek Fireplace & Solar Products
500 Jewell Dr.
Waco TX. 76712

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