I am curious as to what the use case is, given that you appear to be
looking at a subset of the RDF data. Perhaps there is no need to hold the
entire graph (or even the subset) in memory at all - just a streaming
parser (of any RDF format) with a per-triple event handler to gather
whatever data/analytics you need. I am not sure if there a Python
implementation, but there are several in Java.


On Sun, Oct 22, 2023 at 7:07 PM Abhay Kujur <agpkuju...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am working on a large ttl file of 20 GB, I try to read in using rdflib
> but the I am getting a error
> killed
> I am trying to create a smaller file from this file using grep command.
> The sample data is yagoTransitiveType.ttl
> <https://resources.mpi-inf.mpg.de/yago-naga/yago3.1/yagoTransitiveType.txt>
> grep "wordnet_" yagoTransitiveType.ttl >wordnet_yagoTransitiveType.ttl
> The problem is that the file don't read the initial prefix like yago: and
> other, due to which rdflib is not able to parse the ttl file.
> import rdflib
> g = rdflib.Graph()
> g.parse('yagoTransitiveType.ttl', format='ttl')
> How can I fix the issue either by adding 10 lines after running grep
> command or any other way?
> --
> http://github.com/RDFLib
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