RIOT *should* use stream parsing, so RAM wise, you should be fine. And
otherwise, there's always, which is highly

Op ma 23 okt 2023 om 12:05 schreef Nicholas Car <>:

> If you are having trouble with RDFLib, you could use the Jena command line
> tool called RIOT -  It can
> format converts large files like 20GB.
> Use RDFLib or RIOT on a machine with lots of RAM.
> Nick
> ------- Original Message -------
> On Monday, October 23rd, 2023 at 7:08 PM, Abhay Kujur <
>> wrote:
> Hello.
> Thank you for making suggestions; the problem is handling large files, can
> you please suggest any efficient way to transform TTL to N-triple file?
> On Monday, October 23, 2023 at 2:14:14 AM UTC+2 wrote:
>> Turtle files have structure to them that a line-by-line sampler such as
>> grep will break. It's not just about the prefixes but other parts in the
>> Turtle files too since many lines only make sense in groups of lines.
>> If you want to sample an RDF file line-by-line, you need to serialise the
>> file into N-Triples and then filter that, using some mechanism.
>> With a samples N-Triples file, you can then convert back to Turtle. to
>> preserve the original prefixes, you can re-add them to the graph when
>> serialising using g.bind("prefix", Namespace("namespace")) for each one.
>> Regards, Nick
>> ------- Original Message -------
>> On Monday, October 23rd, 2023 at 9:07 AM, Abhay Kujur <>
>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am working on a large ttl file of 20 GB, I try to read in using rdflib
>> but the I am getting a error
>> killed
>> I am trying to create a smaller file from this file using grep command.
>> The sample data is yagoTransitiveType.ttl
>> <>
>> grep "wordnet_" yagoTransitiveType.ttl >wordnet_yagoTransitiveType.ttl
>> The problem is that the file don't read the initial prefix like yago: and
>> other, due to which rdflib is not able to parse the ttl file.
>> import rdflib
>> g = rdflib.Graph()
>> g.parse('yagoTransitiveType.ttl', format='ttl')
>> How can I fix the issue either by adding 10 lines after running grep
>> command or any other way?
>> --
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