It reminds me of the Breezer bikes that Joe built way back. Particularly 
the ones he and Steve Potts used when touring in New Zealand. 

I've always really liked those bikes and the design, it is smart overall 
design if the materials used allow for the design. Otherwise it just seems 
to be visual flair. In this case I don't understand why the rear midstays 
curve up to the seatstays as they do. It appears to negate any possible 
triangulation/structural benefits of the midstays which may be wanted with 
the long chainstays. Ultimately I don't know, I didn't design the bike or 
spec the materials so this is all just my personal opinion and speculation. 
Sorry for sounding overly critical, not my intention. 

It's an interesting bike and I like how Riv built it up to reference the 
older "rough stuff" touring bikes. Iterations on a theme. Dirt Cruiser 
Bruiser Bike.


On Tuesday, March 11, 2014 8:29:31 PM UTC-7, Christopher Murray wrote:
> Check it out in all it's blue-ness!
> Cheers!
> Chris

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