All day Sunday:

Henry:  So dad, when's the next one?
Me:  I don't know, whenever people want to do one
Henry:  How did you find out about this one?
Me:  Manny texted me?
Henry:  Has Manny texted you about the next one?
Me:  No, not yet
Henry:  Can you check if he's texted you?
Me:  He really hasn't texted me yet?
Henry:  So when do you think he'll text you?
Me:  I never know.
Henry:  Is Manny the only one who can call these?
Me:  No, people can do whatever they want.  Solo, organized, whatever, 
Henry: when's the next one?

On Sunday, March 9, 2014 6:37:02 PM UTC-7, Manuel Acosta wrote:
> Finally have some weekends free and with the recent rains the hills were 
> calling me.
> Sent out general invite via social media. Always a fun gamble to see who 
> comes out.
> Ended up with a big group 8 by my count.
> 3 were newbies.
> 4 had blue jeans on.
> 1 came but didn't sleep
> 3 ladies.
> 1 offspring of younger years.
> Meant to leave at 4. Ended up leaving 530ish due to hot chocolate brought 
> by the one and only Tom de Leonias. By far the best hot chocolate and best 
> way to start a s240.
> After some riding/hiking we get to camp with Dustin already sent up with 
> his tent. Food was shared, a pound of chocolate was eatten. I made fried 
> tilapia. Food made us happy.
> Breakfest was met by clouds and coffee made INVERTED aeropress. Which wad 
> amazing. The ride back was mellow and no body died. Good times.
> Pictures proved that everyone had a horrible time.
> Manny "don't hate me after this ride" Acosta

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