I suppose I was trying to be tongue-in-cheek, Bill.  I've spent more on my
Riv than I paid for it (I did get a great deal), and I've already invested
more than I paid on the Schwinn.  Tires, cables, and chain went above $70
right away.

However, I do use the price and/or worth (not the same thing) as a guide
for investment.  I'm willing to try $10 handlebars on a $70 bike, to see if
I'll like it.  Now that I love the bike, I'm willing to spend more to
upgrade it.  For my Riv, I tend to wait and buy the best instead of trying
the cheapo.  The cheapo Wald bars on the Schwinn have been quite nice,
though.  And MUSA!

I agree about re-using quality accessories; my bags and racks are still
deciding which bike to settle upon.

I really enjoyed your build pics on your Windsor project, especially the
detail painting!  My girlfriend is thinking about diy lug lining her San
Marcos, and I showed her your gallery for ideas.

I also appreciated the Windsor build-up because I had just finished a
similar project myself.  I rebuilt my girlfriend's father's '84 Raleigh
Marathon for him this xmas.  As a 501 main triangle/hi-ten stay frame, it's
not particularly worthy.  But it's his, and he'd rather sink $600 into a
quality steel frame (that is otherwise taking up space) than buy a new bike
for that money.  Last time, he spent $600 on a Specialized hybrid that he
hasn't really enjoyed riding, and doesn't shift properly.  ($600 got him
new brakes, wheels, chain, cassette, bar tape, tires, cables/housing,
fenders, and used derailers, seat post, Brooks, and barcons).

The Timbuk Tires do look nice.  Anyone interested in the original Project
KOM tires off my Schwinn?  They're actually in ok shape, although the
rubber is cracking along the bead.  They show how much that bike was
actually ridden since '88--not much!


On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 12:04 PM, Bill Lindsay <tapebu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes, my Paramountain is red and does have a chainstay mounted rear brake.
>  It has a single eyelet at the rear dropout, so I imagine I could run a
> rear rack.
> I have to confess I've never understood the rationale "I can't buy a $155
> bar/stem for this bike because I spent so little on the bike".  When I
> worked at the bike shop and a customer came in with a really nasty and
> abused bike, it came up all the time.  The customer wanted to get the bike
> rideable, and it needs tires, tubes, all new cables, brake pads and a
> chain.  Let's say it adds up to $100 parts and labor.  The customer often
> would say "A hundred bucks!  But the whole bike was only twenty!"
> Anyway I do understand not wanting to invest in a bike that you know you
> don't like much and will be getting rid of soon.  But if you like the bike,
> and if a Bosco Bullmoose would really make you happy, why worry about the
> bike having been cheap?  Take my Windsor project.  The bike was $139 new,
> free to me, and I put about $500 into it.  If I tried to turn around and
> sell it now, I'd probably get like $200 for it.  But if I wanted to part it
> back out, I could get a lot of my $500 back.   For me, the Bosco Bullmoose
> is worth trying and will retain its value.  I'll either hold onto it for
> other builds, or if I hate it I'll sell it to the group for 65% of what I
> paid for it, and it will be like I rented it.
> Trail cruiser sounds like a good name for it.  I'm going to check out the
> Timbuk II reproductions from the guys at First Flight.  Great story if you
> haven't seen it:
> http://www.firstflightbikes.com/timbuktire.htm
> On Wednesday, February 19, 2014 6:23:43 AM UTC-8, Tim Gavin wrote:
>> Nice pickup, Bill.  Is yours the red with gold decals?  Chainstay rear
>> brake?
>> I have its younger brother, an '88 Schwinn Project KOM-10.  Mine has a
>> chainstay U-brake, though.  I'm using it as a town/winter bike, currently
>> with Nokian W160s under P65 fenders.  The chainstay brake does make for
>> easy rear fender mounting (silver lining).  I wish mine had some rack
>> braze-ons, though.
>> I'd love to try a Bosco Bullmoose on mine, but that would cost more than
>> twice what I spent on the bike!  I'm making do with a $10 Wald cruiser bar
>> and $5 rubber grips.  Those griprings look fun!
>> What's your plan for this bike?  Trail cruiser?
>> On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 4:39 PM, Bill Lindsay <tape...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I acquired a 1986 Schwinn Paramountain (Ned Overend signature edition)
>>> on the second-hand market.  I'm setting it up with a Bosco Bullmoose.  It's
>>> got front and rear suntour rollercam brakes.
>>> The Bosco Bullmoose bars arrived this morning.  I felt a little bad
>>> because there is really no good way to origami a small box for Bosco
>>> Bullmooses.  They are huge.  I bought a few more small things to help fill
>>> up the space, but it was still mostly crumpled paper in there.
>>> I might run a set of griprings: http://www.spurcycle.com/builder/demo_
>>> builder.html
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