I would certainly agree on the sturdiness of oversize tubing.... ruggedness 
is a function of material properties... usually meaning heat treated tubing 
which has 3 times the dent resistance of plain CroMo used on most 
production bikes. 


On Tuesday, February 18, 2014 1:55:18 PM UTC-8, Jim Thill - Hiawatha 
Cyclery wrote:
> I agree and apologize about using the R-word. I don't have anything 
> against tubing of any diameter. I guess I would caution people not to think 
> it's more important than it is, but if you can find a frame that meets all 
> your other targets and also uses smaller size tubing, then go for it, if 
> you want to. Personally, I value sturdy ruggedness more than I value a 
> 'lively' ride. But to each his own.

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