Or perhaps this "jack of all trades" post is the best place to go with
photos of nearly every incarnation of the AR.


Addison Wilhite, M.A.

Academy of Arts, Careers and

*“Blazing the Trail to College and Career Success”*

Educator: Professional Portfolio <http://addisonwilhite.blogspot.com/>

Blogger: Reno Rambler <http://reno-rambler.blogspot.com/>

Bicycle Advocate: Regional Transportation Commission, Bicycle Pedestrian
Advisory Committee<http://www.rtcwashoe.com/public-transportation-22-124.html>

On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 7:27 AM, Addison Wilhite

> I like the nicely written history of the AR.  As the proud owner of a late
> 90s era Allrounder I'd like to throw this out there for some evidence of
> just how aptly it is named.  I've had loads of fun on this bike and also
> been meticulous about keeping it in good shape so 15 years on it looks
> remarkably like new.  Touring, roadish, monster cross, commuting, it does
> an amazing job.  I just did a query on my blog of all the posts about my
> "all rounder" so there should be various links on the left hand side.
> http://reno-rambler.blogspot.com/search?q=allrounder
> cheers,
> Addison Wilhite, M.A.
> Academy of Arts, Careers and 
> Technology<http://www.washoecountyschools.org/aact/>
> *“Blazing the Trail to College and Career Success”*
> Educator: Professional Portfolio <http://addisonwilhite.blogspot.com/>
> Blogger: Reno Rambler <http://reno-rambler.blogspot.com/>
> Bicycle Advocate: Regional Transportation Commission, Bicycle Pedestrian
> Advisory Committee<http://www.rtcwashoe.com/public-transportation-22-124.html>
> On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 4:50 PM, rcnute <rcn...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Not really surprising but my XO-1 felt totally different than my
>> Atlantis.  They really are their own beasts though of course XO-1 is the
>> granddaddy.
>> Ryan
>> On Saturday, January 18, 2014 4:20:28 PM UTC-8, Ryan wrote:
>>> Wow 2 ! X0-1's in one spot. I've only ever seen 1 other X0-1 in
>>> Winnipeg...a fellow who's a friend of mine...My 20 year-old X0-1 still gets
>>> lots of compliments. I'd never get rid of it,
>>> I bought the A/R to be the ne plus ultra X0-1 because I liked the design
>>> of the original X0-1 so much. Once I got it I hardly rode any of my other
>>> bikes.
>>> so I guess I'm the owner of the great-great and great grandfather of the
>>> SH and AHH.
>>> And, Mr.Warren and Mr. Cyclofiend, your encyclopaedic knowledge of all
>>> things Rivendell is impressive.
>>> On Saturday, January 18, 2014 5:06:20 PM UTC-6, James Warren wrote:
>>>> That was a fun ride in March of 2010. There were two orange XO-1's with
>>>> dummy levers on mustache bars, yet modified from the stock setup:
>>>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/25671211@N02/4512459117/in/photostream/
>>>> On Jan 18, 2014, at 2:44 PM, Mike Schiller wrote:
>>>> twins from a different time?  my Hillborne and an XO
>>>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/25671211@N02/4513103792/
>>>> ~mike
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