Just tracing the lineage, which is of course influenced by the other 
branches. GP has stated a number of times that the A/R stemmed from the 
XO.  (And around the Bay Area, spotting XO's on the trails was not an 
outlier, but at that time, seeing an MB with drop bars wasn't odd either...)

The Atlantis was a "production" version of the A/R - by moving it to Toyo 
they could produce them in greater numbers.  As with all the designs, it 
got refined a bit in the process.  The Mountain and A/R went away with the 
Atlantis replacing both (though the Mountain was never really made in any 
kind of quantity).

And you ended up with Ramouillet as the road-but-trails-worthy and the 
Atlantis as the trails-but-road-ready setups. Clearly delineated from one 
another, but with the ability (touted in all of the literature for both) to 
tune to your needs and desires.

I remember when the Atlantis came out, it seemed at the time to be more of 
a rough-stuff touring rig to me.  But at the time, my perspective was 
skewed by late-90s mtb technology.  When I finally realized that putting a 
hinge in the middle of a frame was not aligned with my riding needs, style 
or technique, it struck me as much more of an off-road machine.




- J
On Saturday, January 18, 2014 11:17:01 AM UTC-8, Patrick Moore wrote:
> But isn't the Atlantis designed much more for loads and off road terrain? 
> The XOs -- certainly the XO-1 -- were certainly more road biased than dirt 
> biased, John Stamstead notwithstanding.
> It seems to me that the Sam Hill is much more genetically similar to the 
> XOs than the Atlantis, as far as I understand the Atlantis.
> On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 12:09 PM, Cyclofiend Jim 
> <cyclo...@earthlink.net<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Yes - that is the generally accepted pedigree:
>> B'stone XO
>> begat
>> Rivendell A/R
>> begat
>> Rivenedell Atlantis
>> begat
>> Rivendell Sam Hillborne (canti)
>> - J
>> On Saturday, January 18, 2014 10:55:23 AM UTC-8, jinxed wrote:
>>> From an All Rounder owner...the closest current model would be the 
>>> Atlantis. Others may correct me, but I believe it is the direct descendant 
>>> of the AR.
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