Metin: I understand your urge. I love my purely road Riv fixies, but would
love a 3d more all rounder fixie -- a fixified Sam Hill might be just
right, though come to think of it, if I were to do that, why not a bike
that can take at least 50s?

Have been drooling over a consigned, as new (except for sitting out on the
lot for six months) Monocog Flite 29er ss, exactly my size and fits
perfectl as set up, but haven't been willing to spend the $500 the owner

(Psst: I will let you onto a very liberating secret: *vertical dropout
bikes with brazed on dt shifter bosses and other extraneous metal bits can
be modified for fixed or ss use.* That was what Dave Porter did to my '03
custom. *You can cut, hack, saw, twist, file, Dremel, drill, hammer, snip,
and otherwise forcibly remove all the braze ons that don't meet your fancy.

Seriously, the '03 fixified, converted to derailleur tab-less Campy 1010s,
is the bike I ride most, and the conversion job was very well done, down to
adding cream accents.

On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 4:35 PM, Metin Uz <> wrote:

> I would like to see a sort of Roadeo-like evolution to QuickBeam:
> lightweight tubing, single fender eyebolts, hidden rear rack mount
> braze-ons (threaded holes) inside seatstays, no fork rack eyelets. Canti
> brakes that support Nitto M12 front rack, which to my eyes look a lot nicer
> than the alternatives.
> Here is where I am coming from: I have a canti-rom and 2 fixed gear bikes,
> and a single-speed (in addition to others). Canti-rom looks and rides great
> but is geared, Bob Jackson road geometry track bike is good for fast
> brevets in good weather, but does not support fenders. Raleigh fixed
> conversion is my commute bike; rack and fenders, generator light, decent
> but nothing special. I also have a Beloved custom with QB style dropouts;
> huge clearance for tires, canti brakes, 135mm spacing. Good for gravel, but
> bottom bracket is a little too low for fixed gear. The right bike could
> replace the three fg/ss bikes.
> I am seriously interested, but would like one sooner than a year from now.
> On a related note, I would be interested in a 56cm (or possibly 58cm)
> QuickBeam and I could buy or trade a canti-rom or Beloved single-speed.
> Please contact me if interested.
> --Metin
> On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 3:00:48 PM UTC-8, joe kelly wrote:
>> hi
>> i have been running my orange quickbeam as a 10 speed for a couple of
>> years now. 120mm 5sp freewhweel in the back, 2 rings up front. 2
>> deraillers. both clamp on. its just fine as it is, ive never had a problem
>> with the derailler. i kinda like the idea of a $10 derailler on a very
>> expenesive frame anyway. makes it look cheap to theives!
>> anyway the new bike should be a san marcos with quickbeam dropouts and an
>> a homer fork bend. sidepulls of course for simplicity.
>> my 2cents
>> joe
>> On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 12:28:12 PM UTC-5, Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
>>> I guess this is a type of Entmoot - we're discussing features on a bike
>>> that might not be built, but one which is the evolution of the Quickbeam
>>> and SimpleOne.  The impetus for this thread has branched from Grant
>>> Petersen's comments in this thread -
>>> forum/#!topic/rbw-owners-bunch/QhzO4CFyz1U - in which I was volunteered
>>> to wrangle discussion of and interest in the project.
>>> Basically, if 30 individuals are interested in committing, this could
>>> come to pass. No promises, of course.
>>> Here are the guidelines for this thread:
>>> - State clearly what you would like to see.
>>> - Give a specific reason why.
>>> Since this is a Brainstorming thread, let's keep the focus on
>>> encouraging creative thought:
>>> - No negative comments.  If you think an idea is stupid, bite your
>>> tongue (or quell your keyboard) and come up with a better one.
>>> - No discussion about whether something would or would not work.  Each
>>> idea may also spur a more functional insight in someone else's brain.
>>> This (hopefully) is not an empirical discussion.  If you have a
>>> Quickbeam or SimpleOne and really like a certain aspect of the frame
>>> design, or if you didn't buy one because of a specific issue, this is the
>>> place to talk about that. The goal is to recognize valued features and
>>> uncover hidden possibilities.  All of which or none of which might be
>>> incorporated into the final design.
>>> For example -
>>> I have an orange series.  It does not have seat stay threads for a rear
>>> rack.  This has always bothered me as I have a Mark's Rack on my Hilsen and
>>> would love to be able to run a dual rack setup without resorting to
>>> P-Clamps.  (This was corrected in the SimpleOne.)
>>> - or -
>>> Would it matter if it had a derailleur hanger? Would you want it
>>> optimized for upright bars? Would a kickstand plate be a dealbreaker? Would
>>> it absolutely have to be a 584/650B capable of accepting super wide tires?
>>> Or a 622/700C capabler of mounting your favorite "29er" mondo tire?
>>> OK?
>>> Thanks in advance and enjoy the ride!
>>> - Jim /
>>>  --
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Certified Resume Writer

Albuquerque, NM

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