Tom you had me on the Gonzales Canyon. I don't mind sand as I have no
problem walking if necessary. Plus my fenders break away in an emergency.
Lets do it.



On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 8:06 AM, Tom Virgil <> wrote:

> We might want to rethink Gonzales based on how many fender people are
> there.  The West end has a lot of sand, sticks, and leaves so bucolic RSF
> would be better for fender people.   I am guessing that you are thinking of
> something like Black Mountain to Del Sur on Carmel Valley Road, Carmel
> Valley Road to San Dieguito on Del Sur, and San Dieguito out to El Camino
> Real.  Either route or any of the many other alternatives will make for a
> grand ride.
> - Tom
> On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 6:32:34 PM UTC-8, hsmitham wrote:
>> Hi SoCal Riv Riders especially San Diegans,
>> Flash ride! If you don't have anything planned then here is an
>> opportunity to see some beautiful North County San Diego terrain.
>> When: *Saturday November 9th* *11:00 am*
>> Where: Meet up at *Del Mar Starbucks corner of 15th & Camino Del Mar*.
>> Ride: A mixed terrain route up Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve through
>> the Bucolic Rancho Santa Fe and ending in Solana Beach, CA by the Pacific
>> and Pizza Port for no other than liquid carbohydrates and pizza pie!
>> Approximately 26 miles not too many climbs more rolling, but if you
>> complain we can always add a few 15% grades to make you happy.
>> Come one come all! *If your visiting San Diego then join in on the fun*.
>> I will have a route slips for everyone.
>> ~Hugh
>>  --
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