If I get offended that your offense collection ironically spilled into my 
Irony Hall of Fame, does my offense become a member of your offense 
collection or my IHoF, or BOTH!?  Ouch my brain hurts

On Wednesday, August 14, 2013 2:45:21 PM UTC-7, Deacon Patrick wrote:
> Ironically, yes it does, William. Otherwise it would be less offensive. I 
> can't have an offensive collection getting defensive about it's paranoia of 
> becoming friendly, or worse, PC. Grin.
> With abandon,
> Patrick
> On Wednesday, August 14, 2013 3:37:42 PM UTC-6, William wrote:
>> I hope your offensive collection doesn't spill over into my Irony Hall of 
>> Fame.  
>> On Wednesday, August 14, 2013 2:21:12 PM UTC-7, Deacon Patrick wrote:
>>> Patrick. Patrick. Patrick. Sigh. I take deep, personal offense at that. 
>>> I don't care that it proves your point. I have an offensive collection and 
>>> I needed this one. Sardonic grin.
>>> With abandon,
>>> Patrick
>>> On Wednesday, August 14, 2013 3:02:57 PM UTC-6, Patrick Moore wrote:
>>>> My purpose in my snide remark (not really snide, more ironic) was to 
>>>> say that sometimes we are far, far too earnest, and that we take offense 
>>>> far, far too easily.
>>>> FWIW, I fully agree with Toshi that bike clothing has evolved for its 
>>>> usefulness and that one should wear it as and when it serves its purpose.
>>>> Patrick "Diapers! Onward and Upward!" Moore
>>>> On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 1:38 PM, William <tape...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I suppose I need to go look up the real definition of the word 
>>>>> "snide", then.  I always considered "snide" to be an adjective, meaning: 
>>>>>    1. Derogatory or mocking in an indirect way: "snide remarks"
>>>>> I also considered "mean" to be on the list of synonyms for "snide".  
>>>>> I do applaud your double entendre, "thick skinned".  You have a 
>>>>> literal thick-skin (butt-callouses) so you don't need bike shorts, and 
>>>>> you 
>>>>> have a metaphorical thick-skin so you aren't insulted by "derogatory or 
>>>>> mocking" statements that aren't directed at you.  Very well played.  
>>>>> On Wednesday, August 14, 2013 12:13:42 PM UTC-7, Patrick Moore wrote:
>>>>>> I think "diaper" is a great name for padded shorts and I don't think 
>>>>>> it is mean at all. It's just snide. Of course, I must be thick skinned 
>>>>>> since I don't need one for my riding (though I have a few in reserve for 
>>>>>> those ever elusive >50 milers.
>>>>>> Patrick "diapers forever!" Moore
>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 14, 2013 at 11:55 AM, William <tape...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>  the worst thing he's ever said about padded bike shorts is his use 
>>>>>>> of the term "diaper".  I think that's a very poorly chosen word, and it 
>>>>>>> is 
>>>>>>> insulting, and unnecessarily mean.  
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Certified Resume Writer
>>>>>> http://resumespecialties.com/**index.html<http://resumespecialties.com/index.html>
>>>>>> patric...@**resumespecialties.com
>>>>>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/**patrickmooreresumespec/<http://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickmooreresumespec/>
>>>>>> Albuquerque, NM
>>>>>  -- 
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>>>> Certified Resume Writer
>>>> http://resumespecialties.com/index.html
>>>> patric...@resumespecialties.com
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>>>> Albuquerque, NM

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