The Great Divide passes through NM about 100 miles west of ABQ ...

Patrick "just hoping" Moore

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 6:50 PM, Marc Irwin <> wrote:

> I was going to chime in on that also.  If it is to be a national get
> together, picking a place in one distant corner will rule out a lot of
> people just because of the travel.  It will be a regional get together as a
> result.  As I mentioned earlier the geographical center of the country is
> in northern Kansas almost equidistant from Kansas City, Omaha and Denver.
>  I'm not familiar with Omaha but Kansas City and Denver both have a lot
> going for them and a lot of very interesting riding to be chosen.
> Marc
> On Thursday, August 1, 2013 6:40:54 PM UTC-4, Patrick Moore wrote:
>> If this is to be a national get together, can we have it in the exact
>> geometrical center of the country? Just kidding about that, but somewhere
>> more or less accessible to the majority of participants would be nice to
>> consider.
>> Colorado?
>> Of course, if most of the interested parties are in the PNW, then that
>> would over-weigh a national distribution.
>> On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 1:53 PM, Andy Smitty Schmidt <>wrote:
>>> I wonder if we could find some sort of B&B type place that would have
>>> rooms for those who want to sleep indoors and a lawn for those who want to
>>> throw a sleeping bag on the ground.
>>> The Coastal Mountain Sport Haus <> is
>>> in the coast range west of Portland, so not really near Bellingham. But if
>>> there's interest I'd be happy to call and at least find out if they
>>> could/would accommodate something like this.
>>> My vote regarding date would be earlier the better... to maximize the
>>> cool and green. Although by mid-July the berries are ripe.
>>> --Smitty
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>> patric...@**
>> Albuquerque, NM
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Albuquerque, NM

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