Thanks for the kind words. 

Shoji-- The kid seat is zip-tied onto the Nitto Big Back Rack. It's solid. 

danmc-- The Appaloosa will be a perfect kid hauler... that long TT and 
bosco bars to accommodate a front kid seat and long chain stays so kiddo on 
a rear seat doesn't kick the back of my legs.  

Zack-- I think for all of our differences on this list (not you and I... 
everyone), we all share an understanding that having a bike we love makes 
riding so much better.


On Friday, March 1, 2013 8:19:27 AM UTC-8, Andy Smitty Schmidt wrote:
> This is somewhat OT but the pics are full of stuff from Riv... Aussie 
> Wool, Bosco Bars, Betty Foy, Cork Grips, and more. I wrote a guest post on 
> a friends blog about family biking and going car-free. Thought it might be 
> of interest to some folks on here. 
> Becoming A Biking 
> Family<>
> --Smitty

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