
sorry, I should have checked the archives before posting. Thanks to all for 
their comments. I will indeed spring for a set of JB Greens!

On Sunday, January 27, 2013 7:48:38 PM UTC-8, Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
> I think there have been a number of threads on the Jack Browns, which 
> should all be searchable via the archives.  I know I've expounded on their 
> quality many, many times.   Hate to rehash all of that here for folks who 
> have sat through my natterings in the past.
> Short version: Greens for me.  I ride them over a variety of mixed 
> conditions, from pavement to rocky singletrack trails. It's gonna take a 
> much nicer tire to nudge me away from these.
> If you are running the Paselas which are "true" size, then you'll probably 
> find the JB's to be very close when mounted/inflated.  When I bought my 
> first set, I had to force myself to remount the Paselas they replaced which 
> I hadn't worn out.  Much more supple casing and for me a better profile.
> hope that helps!
> - Jim

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