There's also the Vzan Lazer from Brasil.
(click on Lazer for 650b rims)

On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 1:41 PM, Steve Palincsar <> wrote:
> On Fri, 2012-12-28 at 16:15 -0500, Scott Henry wrote:
>> No help on the rim, but when the h%ll did 200plus really become
>> clydesdale?
>> Seriously, I'm at least 225 pounds and at 6 foot I just seem to be
>> normal around my parts.
> Well, there used to be a radio show in the 1940s/1950s, a detective show
> based on a Dashiell Hammet character called "The Fat Man" that used the
> following intro:
>         "There he goes, into that drugstore. He's stepping on the
>         scales. Weight? 237 pounds. Fortune? Danger. Whoooooo is it? The
>         Fat Maaaan!"
> Of course, they were a whole lot shorter back then...
> --
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Where did the spring go?
Where did my hormones go?
Where did my energy go?
Where did my go go?
Where did the pleasure go?
Where did my hair go?

-- Ray Davies

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