This thread seems to have deviated from the title, but it's interesting 
anyway.  I've ridden clipped in (mountain bike shoes) and found it 
comfortable.  The mountain bike shoes had a stiff sole and the pedals were 
Shimano m545, which have a cage that offers great foot support. I did over 
20,000 miles with this set up.  But, I really want to be a flat pedal 
convert for distance stuff (I'm already a convert for commuting). Are there 
any randonneurs here that ride flats for the long rides?  

On Thursday, December 13, 2012 8:44:55 PM UTC-7, Kelly wrote:
> I went back to platform a couple of years ago.  No toe clips just bmx 
> style pedals and I love them.  I speak for myself in that.  Platforms are 
> better for me and I see no perceptible performance loss.  
> Several people I know just like being attached.  It's nice to have quality 
> products on both sides.  I don't however buy into antiquated technology or 
> that clip less is better for anyone other than the person saying so.   I 
> don't believe one is any better than the other.   With the edge going to 
> clipless for racing... I don't race.
> Ride what you want wear what you want ..share what works for you.    It's 
> choice and preference not fact anyway.
> Kelly 

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