Don't know if this is the one he had or not, but very similar to it:

On Monday, October 29, 2012 12:54:26 PM UTC-4, Leslie wrote:
> I've not looked for one, but on my dad's old Nishiki roadbike from the 
> mid-70's, he had an odometer mounted down just above the fork's drop-out.  
> A little nub attached to the spoke, everytime it went around, it turned 
> over the 'gear' on the end of the box.  No electronics, purely mechanical. 
>   I've thought such would be neat, to keep a battery-failure-free tally on 
> a frame's mileage...
> On Sunday, October 28, 2012 12:56:22 AM UTC-4, lungimsam wrote:
>> Any such animal?
>> I lost my cyclecomputer. Don't know if that's a good or bad thing.
>> All I wanna keep track of is miles.
>> I don't care about speed much anymore.
>> PLease advise.

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