On Tue, 2012-10-02 at 15:57 -0400, Peter Morgano wrote:
> Hey, I grew up in Monticello, NY. My mom taught at the high school, we
> moved out when I was around 8-9. Lived in beautiful Jeffersonville,
> next to the cemetary. Good fishing country. My dad used to go hunting
> up there with my grandfather until he passed away. I imagine that
> would be good riding up there on the country roads but you are right,
> in that setting I would wear a helmet, for one since the speed limit
> is 55mph and you have some big old hills to descend. 

We started the Catskill Wheelmen in the spring of 1972.  We were all
beginners, none had ever ridden with a bike club before.  Every ride
seemed to have around 4,000 feet of climbing: turn at the corner, climb
1,000 feet, descend 1,000 feet, come to a 4-way stop sign, stop, climb
1,000 feet.  All mountains, as I recall it, and not made any easier by
the baby seat on the back of my bike, where I carried my daughter. 

Our longest ride ever that first year was 25 miles, all downhill: we
drove our cars down to Middletown, parked at a restaurant, rode back to
the ride start in a big old International Harvester SUV-ancestor, then
rode downhill 25 miles, put the bikes in the car, had a celebratory
lunch and called it a season.

The next year they put on a century.

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