Unless you use the heat treated super high end tubing most butted main 
tubes are either .8x.5x.8 or .9x.6x.9 in thickness.  A frame like the 
Hillborne has a slightly lighter mix of tubing than the Atlantis but 
heavier than the Hilsen (from the Riv site). I think Grant once wrote that 
the Atlantis used .9x.6x.9 dimension main tubing....regardless, it is a 
touring frame and suitable for loads to 275 pounds. The Hillborne 
previously had a load rating to about 260 and the Hilsen about 250 lbs. You 
don't read much about these load ratings anymore and they are pretty 
conservative anyway. Keep in mind that ride qualities are a blend of 
several elements not limited to tubing dimensions. Knowing the numbers 
won't really tell you much unless the other stats are the same.  I have a 
frame building book that states 8x5x8 tubing is suitable for riders over 
200 pounds and I am talking the modern outside dimension stuff here (the 
kind Riv bikes have) not the small diameter 1 inch etc. stuff used years 
ago. I'm not sure of the fork tubing dimensions on the Hillborne but I 
think Grant specs them to be safe enough to last for years. 

On Saturday, September 1, 2012 9:02:24 AM UTC-7, MikeC wrote:
> The website is vague regarding tubing thicknesses used. Does anyone know 
> the exact dimensions? Just interested in data to compare my Hillborne with 
> other bikes that I have.
> Please don't reply with, "Doesn't matter, they all ride great" or 
> somesuch....
> Thanks,
> -Mike
> SW Ohio

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