> I am going to try #3, but also try KOPS, just to see where everything 
> lines up in all 3 options, just for curiosity.
I will check out the Peter White article, too.
I think since I am enjoying the high bars, I am just trashing the BGFit by 
doing that anyway, and there is no way I am going to go back to low bars 
like on the race bike. So I may as well chuck the pro fit and work on fit 
for pure comfort. That's what it's all about for me anyway.
Thanks for all the great info, everyone. Keep the advice coming if you have 
other thoughts/advice/ideas. I really need them.
Is there anything to avoid, for the sake of not hurting myself from 
repetitive motion? I know the seat height should not be too low or high.
Is there a problem with saddle too far forward/back? I know someone said 
their PT told them to be behind the pedal spindle.

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