On Thu, 2012-05-24 at 17:58 -0600, PATRICK MOORE wrote:
> Commentary: I ride short distances, and I want to pack as much riding
> fun into those short distances as I can. I hate, hate HATE heavy,
> thick-walled, doggy, sluggish tires: I've ridden them and I know what
> they feel like. I'd rather fix a flat-a-ride than ride such tires.
> Hell, I'd rather give up cycling and take up walking -- seriously.
> This is the reason for my iconoclastic wish for light, fast, supple
> tires for the '99 Joe, and not a wish to irritate or contradict the
> general preferences on this list for fat tires. Hell, on my Fargo, I
> consider 50 mm tire skinny -- wouldn't touch them. (Goddam wimpy
> narrow useless things -- try riding skinny, hard 50s at 40 psi in our
> RG bosque sand -- *You'll* see!).

Maybe you should try tubulars.

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