Jack Brown Green label are great. I much prefer them to Paselas (TG and 
non), whose tread I find squirmy. Jack Brown Blue label are ok -- a little 
plodding feeling, but still nicer than Paselas. I can't speak to the 
longevity comparison, because I never kept the Paselas on long enough to 
find out -- I just didn't care for them.

Kojaks are nice but felt sort of slow rolling to me. Among the tires you 
mentioned, here's my pecking order: JB greens, Kojak, JB blue, paselas. The 
GB Cypres are supposedly very nice and fast, but also reportedly fragile.

On Tuesday, March 13, 2012 2:20:35 PM UTC-7, JL wrote:
> Hello All, 
> I am interested in some reviews or insight about Jack Brown tires.  I 
> have plenty of experience with high volume 650b tires and not as much 
> first hand knowledge about plumper 700c tires.  I ride 700x28 Paselas 
> (both TG and non) on a regular basis.  Are Jack Browns a better ride 
> and/or long life than the 32 or 35mm Paselas?  Are there other tires 
> that one should consider?  Kojacks? GB Cypress? 
> Thanks 
> JL

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