I have no position on Riv's business practices here, but on the subject of 
today's Blug post, I'd sure like to see a full photo of the 
Molteni-orange-ish bike with the Campy crank. Is it a custom? A Roadeo? And 
why does the customer want it off? Seems like a nifty looking crank to me.


On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 3:06:44 PM UTC-8, islaysteve wrote:
> I know that Rivendell wouldn't be RBW and Grant wouldn't be Grant without 
> weird nuts, erasers, posters and notecards for sale on the site.  But I 
> can't help but wonder if the year-end messages wouldn't be a bit happier 
> without having to carry some of this non-bicycle or marginally-bicycle 
> stuff.  And I wasn't even going to mention bamboo boxes.  Rivendell Bicycle 
> Works isn't Velo Orange and I imagine that most here don't want it to be, 
> whether we like VO's offerings or not.  I get this.  But still.  Maybe I've 
> been away from California for too long.  Planning a visit soon.  Open for 
> discussion (RBW, that is).  Cheers, Steve
On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 3:06:44 PM UTC-8, islaysteve wrote:
> I know that Rivendell wouldn't be RBW and Grant wouldn't be Grant without 
> weird nuts, erasers, posters and notecards for sale on the site.  But I 
> can't help but wonder if the year-end messages wouldn't be a bit happier 
> without having to carry some of this non-bicycle or marginally-bicycle 
> stuff.  And I wasn't even going to mention bamboo boxes.  Rivendell Bicycle 
> Works isn't Velo Orange and I imagine that most here don't want it to be, 
> whether we like VO's offerings or not.  I get this.  But still.  Maybe I've 
> been away from California for too long.  Planning a visit soon.  Open for 
> discussion (RBW, that is).  Cheers, Steve
On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 3:06:44 PM UTC-8, islaysteve wrote:
> I know that Rivendell wouldn't be RBW and Grant wouldn't be Grant without 
> weird nuts, erasers, posters and notecards for sale on the site.  But I 
> can't help but wonder if the year-end messages wouldn't be a bit happier 
> without having to carry some of this non-bicycle or marginally-bicycle 
> stuff.  And I wasn't even going to mention bamboo boxes.  Rivendell Bicycle 
> Works isn't Velo Orange and I imagine that most here don't want it to be, 
> whether we like VO's offerings or not.  I get this.  But still.  Maybe I've 
> been away from California for too long.  Planning a visit soon.  Open for 
> discussion (RBW, that is).  Cheers, Steve
On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 3:06:44 PM UTC-8, islaysteve wrote:
> I know that Rivendell wouldn't be RBW and Grant wouldn't be Grant without 
> weird nuts, erasers, posters and notecards for sale on the site.  But I 
> can't help but wonder if the year-end messages wouldn't be a bit happier 
> without having to carry some of this non-bicycle or marginally-bicycle 
> stuff.  And I wasn't even going to mention bamboo boxes.  Rivendell Bicycle 
> Works isn't Velo Orange and I imagine that most here don't want it to be, 
> whether we like VO's offerings or not.  I get this.  But still.  Maybe I've 
> been away from California for too long.  Planning a visit soon.  Open for 
> discussion (RBW, that is).  Cheers, Steve

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