Keep in mind Noodles are designed with relatively high stem in mind.

I have Albatross bars on the bike I ride most often, Jitensha bars on
another and what Riv used to sell as Nitto Dream bars on the third.
Mark's bars appear close, but the drop appears a bit more than on

If you want bars with generous flats but not as much drop as the
Noodles look at the Grand Bois Maes bars (manufactured by Nitto) that
Compass Cycle sells.

On Feb 24, 5:25 am, Jay in Tel Aviv <> wrote:
> Matt,
> Your description is perfect.
> Jay
> On Feb 24, 11:35 am, newenglandbike <> wrote:
> > I've tried lots of different drop bars on various bikes and Noodles always
> > feel the best to me. With both noodles and traditional drop bars-  when set
> > up with the right reach-  I find that when you're riding along on the
> > hoods, and decide you want to move to the drops or hooks, they feel
> > excessively low and forward at first.    But if you give it five minutes in
> > that position, your body gets used to it, and it becomes quite
> > comfortable.
> > After riding along settled in the hooks for a while, suddenly you have the
> > opposite problem-   moving to the hoods makes you feel bolt-upright, and
> > you feel momentarily as though your bars are too high.     But give it five
> > minutes....
> > I guess the hard part is finding the right reach, where the tops/hoods and
> > the hooks feel right for their purpose.    But as drop bars go, Noodles
> > have the best proportions IMHO.
> > -Matt

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