I am glad to see that there is another Bay Ridge Brooklyn Rivendell
owner.   I have an Atlantis and I too ride the Brooklyn water front
(mostly at the crack of dawn on weekends) to to Island and beyond.
I often like to take a ride out around Jamaica Bay and Riis Park.
There are some great views.   Last year I did not get a chance to ride
much but I am looking forward to increased day length and
temperatures.    The Atlantis is a perfect bike for the city with its
potholes etc.   It takes the boardwalk guide will.    I love it.   I
have had it for several years now.    I have 35 mm tires that seem to
be a perfect compromise between comfort and they don't make you feel
too slow.    I have it outfitted minimally and it is great.

I keep a bike at work, an old steel-framed 10 speed and ride around
Rutgers Campus and down thee old towpath along the Raritan River
during the week.    Last summer did the Riv thing with this bike and
put shellacked cork tapes and tine on ti.   Great improvement.

The point made about ex[pensive bikes in NYC is well taken-given not
the cost but the risk of losing it.      So this type of bikes will
always be a bit rate here.   And the other issue is that most of the
bike stores (at least the ones I have been to) tend to either focus on
Tour de France pretenders with dollars or the very occasional


On Feb 16, 6:47 pm, Lee Chae <leec...@stanford.edu> wrote:
> All you East Coasters seem pretty well represented, at least according
> to one source:
> http://www.renaissancebicycles.com/interactive-google-maps/rivendell-...
> Happy riding,
> Lee
> SF, CA
> On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 2:14 PM, Peter F <phfmu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Nope, Croton Aquaduct ride and Riv Rally East are two separate events.
> > The former is a one day local ride. The latter is the weekend long
> > rally organized by Montclair Bobby, this year scheduled for April
> > 21-22 down in VA? Search the recent archives and there's copious
> > discussion of it.
> > On Feb 16, 2:33 pm, Joe K <kube...@aol.com> wrote:
> >> Thanks for all the nice responses.  It's nice to know there are some
> >> others of us out there.  I may look into the Riv Rally East (same as
> >> the Croton ride?) and see if the dates work out for me.
> >> Peter F, yes, I remember our conversations from before, and remember
> >> your work...someday I'll get to one of the Avian concerts, and sorry I
> >> haven't thus far!  Similar to you (but older) I used to haul my kids
> >> around in a trailer; back then it was a C-dale Bugger.
> >> Would be very happy to meet up with any of you local folks.  I'm in
> >> Staten Island, and for all I know I'm the sole Rivendell owner on the
> >> island, though my wife has an XO-1.  I'll try to bookmark this thread
> >> to save your addresses.
> >> Joe
> >> On Feb 16, 10:24 am, Norman <norr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > I live in Montclair, NJ.  I've ridden in the TA Century (or part of
> >> > it) a couple of times and hope to do it again this year.  If anyone
> >> > has info on when the Croton Aqueduct BOB ride is, please post.
> >> > Norman (Sam H)
> > --
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