Ah the search for the perfect commuting set up!

I have no experience with the Pass and stow rack, but they look very nice 
on the web site.  After much trial and discovery I decided that I did not 
like panniers for commuting.   About a third of my commute 30 mile commute 
was over dirt roads and I found it didn't take much wet weather to get the 
panniers pretty grimmy.  I did use a carradice office bag if I absolutely 
had to carry the macbook, but otherwise tried to keep everything above the 
fenders.  The Carradice SQR system with a barley bag is still my go to 
combination.  No other system cam match it for easy on & off the bike.   
But you want  to front load.  You didn't mention the size of you bike, or 
your budget, but either the Acorn bag, which also comes on & off the bike 
quickly, or the biggest Bertoud  bag might give you the added front weight 
you need. 
Commuting on dirt roads I found the only hill problem ( and I had about 6 
miles of 7%+ grade every day) I had was standing  up and loosing traction 
on the rear wheel.  Perhaps on pavement you might be better off standing up 
and leaning forward to weight the front wheel?


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