I am a proud Brooklyn Rivster, you can see me on the Bay Ridge bike path on
my Hilsen on nights and weekends since I have a full time job and a kid at
home.  I am occasionally at prospect park but too many "Lance types" there
just annoy the hell out of me.  I must admit I am jealous of the year round
riding of many members on the west coast though but riding in NYC is a
beast all its own. In my neighborhood all I usually get are old guys on old
bikes, delivery guys on electric bikes and homeless people on girls x-mart
bikes. I do get stares on my Hilsen which is probably more due to the bags
and fenders which you just dont see around here that often. If any fellow
NYC rivsters want to do a Prospect Park or Central Park ride one day when
it gets nice hit me up, I have a buddy who I ride with alot who has a
Peugot XO who always gets more compliments than me, such is brooklyn, haha.

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 9:47 AM, Steve Palincsar <palin...@his.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 2012-02-15 at 06:28 -0800, Peter Pesce wrote:
> > Joe-
> > I know there's at least one other NYC Riv guy on here, and a few in
> > CT, MA, DC and you can't miss BobbyB from NJ.
> > I live in CT and work in Manhattan. I ride my QB or LHT to the station
> > every day and take the train in.
> For several years, there's been a NYC area off-road ride in the vicinity
> of one of the Westchester Cty reservoirs.  Can't remember for sure if
> it's been announced here, or on the iBOB list, but I'm about 70%
> confident it was here.
> --
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