I'm with Patrick that your Quickbeam should not and in fact never feel
sluggish--something's off.  My partner has a QB and says that it's
like wearing a silk chemise instead of a wooly ski sweater when
comparing it to her trusty Surly LHT.

I have what I refer to as a faux QB that I set up before the last run
of silver QB's that included little frames.  My faux QB is a riv
protobleriot frame set up with an Eccentric Eno hub and a Dos Eno
freewheel (also a White hub on the front).  One thing I would add, in
addition to the good discussion of tires and chain tension, is sneaky
tire clearance.  I went from Maxy Fasties (650B x 33)  to Soma
Xpresses (650B x 38) and everything looked great but the normally
sprite little bike felt alarmingly sluggish.   After calling a bike
mechanic friend and taking a pit stop at a most excellently placed
bike shop on my morning commute, we found the culprit:  the inside
fender bolt on the brace between chainstays ('inside' meaning between
the fender and the road surface of the tire) was rubbing on the tire –
but it was totally not visible.  Replaced the regular bolt with a
button-headed bolt and voilá! Mystery solved!  (And I felt pretty
stupid, but live and learn.)

The shop also adjusted and cleaned the Dos freewheel, which also felt
great.  One thing I came to understand is that your Dos *should* have
a pleasant click-click-click when you coast.  It had gradually gone
away without my really noticing it and once it was adjusted and
cleaned, the click came back and it felt better.  (Not to stir up an
old off-topic thread, but it's just like an old BMW motorcycle--the
valves *should* tick-tick-tick when they're in adjustment).  With two
White hubs in proper form, it coasts wonderfully.

-liesl clicking happily along between minneapolis and st paul

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