On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 2:47 PM, Kevin M <kpmulc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm a fan of the french press, but if you're you're grinding two weeks of
> coffee before you embark it probably won't taste any better than Starbuck's
> Via instant coffee after day 2. Via actually is pretty damn good for camp
> coffee.
Most of my bicycle touring has been in areas with at least once per day
access to a store or restaurant where I could buy coffee, but my hiking
trips have taken me to places where it would be a multi day hike to get
fresh coffee... not only is Via a good camp coffee, even instant mashed
potatoes start to taste like heaven when you're too tired to cook anything
more substantial!  When you're exhausted after 70 miles of loaded riding or
12 or so miles of loaded hiking your priorities change a bit, otherwise I'd
be carrying my hand grinder and moka pot!  My loads are already far too
heavy without that luxury.

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