On Jan 12, 2012, at 3:15 PM, Kelly Sleeper wrote:

> First off this is not about what I consider best for you.  Only how I do it.  
> I can assure you I'm in no way attempting to be light. I like  to take what I 
> want / need to be comfortable.  I have taken into consideration hills and my 
> abilities.  The weight is in a range of what I've used in the past and passes 
> the test of my capabilities.   So hopefully you understand it's not an 
> argument  or even a considered better than other ways of doing it just a way 
> to do it.  Ok enough disclaimer .. just realized I could write another page 
> on trying not to offend.. but then what fun would that be. 
> Ok so in July I'm doing a 2 week (14 days) self contained tour in Alaska.  At 
> this point there are some unknowns. Such as if there will be a place to do 
> laundry.   To that end I'm test packing as though there will be no laundry 
> available. 
> This list avails me the ability to travel for two weeks without need of 
> washing clothes.  It also covers temperatures from the high 40's to mid 70's.

The question of course is what works for you for the conditions you'll be 
encountering.  I wouldn't want 150 lbs of gear, someone else might not find 
that bothersome at all.  Someone else's essential might be my waste of space 
and vice versa, etc.  My "good enough" list of stuff might leave someone else 
feeling stressed and anxious about their survival (and they might be right, if 
my bleached bones are discovered three years after the last time my family and 
friends hear from me).  The decision is utterly personal:  what do you need to 
have a great trip (after all, how many times are you going to do this tour)?

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