It's not a bike ride if you don't get lost. And found. And break


On Dec 15, 10:32 pm, Corwin <> wrote:
> Ride Report -
> I fastidiously checked the weather forecasts every day up to
> Wednesday. Rain was predicted. Looked as though a few brief showers
> would hit early Thursday morning around and the taper off to nothing
> about 9am. Since I was looking forward to riding the custom, I waited
> to leave until the rain died out. Got on the 10:37 train in Richmond,
> hung up the bike and relaxed for an hour.
> Got off in Davis, and just started riding without getting sufficiently
> oriented. My plan was to head to Winters and possibly climb to
> Monticello dam or climb Cantlowe and return via Pleasants Valley. As
> it turned out, I headed south under Interstate 80 (thinking I was
> heading west under 113). Eventually, I realized I was not getting any
> closer to the hills in the west and realized I had gone south. Made a
> couple of turns and headed north through Dixon. Had the pleasure of
> pedaling through a stiff headwind. Eventually arrived at Russell Blvd
> and headed west.
> The stiff headwind provided excellent appreciation of the crosswind I
> encountered when I headed west. I arrived in Winters around 2pm -
> after a good two hour ride. Found Steady Eddy's quickly, and settled
> in to lunch. Got up after lunch and picked up the bike. Riding away,
> the front tire seems a little low. Turns out it's flat. Very strange
> since I ride only Scwalbe Maarathon Supremes these days. I become
> convinced someone is playing a practical joke on me and has let the
> air out of my tire. Pump it up once to see if it goes flat again.
> Seems pretty soft. Perhaps I didn't really pump it up hard the first
> time. Pump it up hard this time. Goes completely flat. Must not be a
> prank. I change the tube and put the front wheel back on. Get back on
> the bike - now the right pedal feels really squirrely. Get off the
> bike and look it over. The pedal body is much further outboard that it
> usually is. It comes off. Turns out the spindle is busted.
> Put the pedal body in the bag and start riding back to Davis. Hard to
> keep the right foot on the well-greased spindle. Get back to Davis in
> well under an hour - but my left knee is starting to hurt - probably
> from overcompensating for the right leg that can't seem to stay on the
> spindle. Walk around Davis till the Amtrak 4:55 arrives and return to
> the East Bay.
> A few photos shot along the way:
> On Dec 7, 2:56 pm, Rex Kerr <> wrote:
> > West to Pleasant Valley Road (beautiful road), then across the grade and
> > back via Dixon is a nice ride, and not too hard if you want to take it
> > easy.
> > Another option would be to ride East to Sac and take the American River
> > bike trail up to Folsom, loop around lake Natoma and then head back on the
> > AR trail, but that has a lot of duplication [same trail out and back] and
> > is probably closer to 90 miles.
> > North and South are both ugly and boring IMO...
> > On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 2:20 PM, Corwin <> wrote:
> > > Hi -
> > > In the interests of getting away, I am planning to take Amtrak to
> > > Davis next week. Will arrive in Davis shortly after 8am, and return
> > > via Amtrak shortly after 9pm the same day. I have ridden many long and
> > > short rides. Notable recent rides are Grizzly Peak Century (metric
> > > course) and rides up Mt. Diablo and the Berkeley Hills.
> > > Looking for scenic rides in the neighborhood of 40 - 80 miles. May
> > > include desirable waypoints and/or destinations. If the weather is
> > > wet, I will take the Quickbeam (now sporting fenders). If not, I will
> > > ride the custom (fenderless).
> > > I'm comfortable supporting myself with respect to clothing/snacks/
> > > mechanical. That's not to say that I don't appreciate a nice
> > > restaurant or cafe along the route every bit as much as anyone else.
> > > Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
> > > Corwin
> > > P.S.: The Amtrak ticket appears to be flexible enough to allow travel
> > > anytime between the stated times on the ticket. So I have the freedom
> > > of returning as soon as I like.
> > > --
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