For us Minnie-sohh-tens, 27 and sunny is a pretty balmy winter's day.  Like 
"woo-hoo, shirt sleeves" balmy.  Even "oh, look, some oddballs in shorts" 
balmy.  After a few weeks of subzero (Fahrenheit) temps, 27 is downright 
I get a chuckle out of most "winter" cycling clothing.  Winter in the Cote 
d'Azur or Italia, maybe.  Not winter in Minnesota.

On Nov 29, 2011, at 9:36 PM, Bill M. wrote:

> Living in NorCal, 27 and sunny is something I will never encounter.
> 27 only happens before sunrise on our coldest mornings.
> It got down to 15 here once.  In 1989 or so.  Havoc ensued.  Broken
> pipes, cracked engine blocks, much trauma.  I was working in a
> unheated tin-roofed building, and there was ice on the floor inside
> the building in the morning.  I did not ride a bicycle that week.
> If I'm good into the low 40's, that's good enough.
> Bill
> On Nov 29, 6:27 pm, Liesl <> wrote:
>> < it remains to be seen if they will give me enough protection to
>> prevent tearing up in cold weather.>
>> for what it's worth:  I accidently left my aforementioned Rudy's at
>> work last night and so I rode in this morning with my regular glasses
>> with some lightweight goggles over them.  It was about 27 degrees and
>> bright sun.  Sheesh! Fogging was miserable!  My Rudy's have no fogging
>> problems unless I have a neck gaiter up over my nose and am stopped at
>> a light (which means it's at or below 15).  My eyes tear something
>> fierce, and they work for me.  (And yes I am one of those odd ducks
>> who prefers trifocals over progressives--but my trifocals aren't
>> tricolored, contrary to popular belief.)
>> liesl

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