Just to clarify my earlier statement -

By "sidestep" the description issue, it's really that I would hate to see
this devolve into a discussion of right and wrong on this private

It's not appropriate to "name names" or to take sides on this via the list.
Although we are voyeurs on this transaction, we are not directly a part of
it.  (Now, granted, if there's a clear attempt to defraud that the general
list should be made aware of, that could certainly be weighed a bit
differently.)  Over the years of retail and buying/selling things through
the mail, I've learned there's enough discrepency that can creep in, even
when both parties have good intentions.

I don't pretend to know enough about this to decide otherwise.

As a seller, I would hope to be forthright and accurate in descriptions and
evaluations, but as a seller, I know that the onus is upon me to confirm
these things.  If I were at a garage sale where everything was behind a rope
I couldn't pass, I'd be very thorough before spending more than I could
afford to waste.  Now, once I get to know someone and have a sense of where
their 'good' lies, then I can make allowances and translate it to my range
of expectations. 

I guess what I'm saying is that the first time I buy anything from anybody,
I'll either specify a  return agreement or get a pretty copious set of
images.    Because the words "Caveat Emptor" apply.  It's ultimately up to

There's nothing magical about this list - there are people who join it only
to sell to it, which is why no one gets full posting rights by just
contributing For Sale ads.  It's why I've asked certain members to moderate
their selling posts or at least engage in more conversations than what they
have to sell. 

There are high quality individuals on this list - people I've gotten to know
through their posts and private emails - who have high standards of
behavior.  If they listed something and I really felt it wasn't as
described, I have no doubt we'd come to an agreement and solve the issue.
It's one of the reasons Sheldon always chided people who used only a
web-moniker in their  postings - otherwise it's easy to forget there's a
person on the other end of the line, with all that means.

- Jim / List admin

Jim Edgar

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