I've had a rough few months with flats from goatheads, after no flats
for over a year.  They squeak in though the sidewall of the Supremes.
I just put on a pair of Foss, rim liners and all, not for flat
protection, but ease of patching.  I retired several well patched
tubes and carry no spare.  I will soon see how well that works.  In 10
years I hope to have two well patched Foss tubes.

On Sep 19, 6:55 pm, jimD <rasterd...@comcast.net> wrote:
> My epic tube patching fest continues.
> Normally when I get a flat I can track down the puncture patch it and be done 
> with the ordeal.
> I forgot that this doesn't apply when one rides through a patch of goatheads.
> I rode througha patch about a week ago and have been working on three tubes 
> ever since.
> One is now holding air, two are still flat, I've run out of einstein patches. 
> The tubes are covered in buboes
> from all the patches I've used.
> A while back I lived and rode in Albuquerque and learned that if I rode 
> through a patch of goatheads the best
> practice was to throw the tubes away. I should  have done that with these but 
> this has become a 'tool time' sort
> of challenge. I ordered more patches.
> The struggle continues.
> sigh,
> JimD

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