When I originally saw Grants Post awhile back on the S240 he did to High 
Rocky place, I knew I had to do it. I wanted a challenge and I wanted a 
test, so I decided to do it on the SimpleOne. I am glad I did and it was an 
awesome Solo Trip. Thank you Grant for the directions and words of advice it 
made my trip a successful one.

I headed out Monday Morning and rode from Lafayette to Borges Ranch in 
Walnut Creek, Grabbed some Water and hit the Briones Mt Diablo Trail en 
route to Rock City. I meet a nice couple who had a flat and no cement, so I 
helped them out and set off. Some good Karma for what I had ahead of me. 
Allot of walking along the Trail, but I didn't mind at all. 
The scenery was absolutely Gorgeous and I wasn't even up the Mountain Yet. 
It took about 3 hours to get to Rock City, where I had some of my lunch and 
relaxed for an hour or so.

It was time to push to the South Gate Junction for another break and to 
prepare for the push to Juniper. The Simple One in its 32/22 combination 
proved to be perfect for the climb and the load(45 lbs w/bike?) I was very 
happy with the performance and solid feel of the One. Made the 2.5 mile 
climb to Juniper and took a well deserved 3 hour rest, finished my 
lunch/Dinner, and waited for the sun to go down a bit until I pushed to 

When I arrived I was awe struck at what was before me, the grandeur and 
peacefulness of High Rocky Place is definitely one I will always remember. 
The Wind was nasty (take a look at the video) and I am thankful I brought a 
hammer (Thanks G) and earplugs. I think I logged about 3 hours of sleep. 
Nonetheless it was truly Amazing. When I got home I slept for 13 hours 

Pictures tell a better story and I am very happy I was able to do it on the 



Dustin G

Walnut Creek Ca

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