I've scored a stash of half a dozen 14-28 5 speeds (the Herse has a
Stronglight 99 with 42/32 rings on it and the 42/17 #2 cog is the
ideal cruising gear for the Herse at 67") and the rest is gravy. The
13-15-17-20-24-28 Ultra six on it now is even better since the 42/15
is a nice tailwind or "feelin' strong" gear at 76". I've also got
several "normal" sixes in the 13-28 or 30 range, plus two 14-34 5
speeds -- talk about wide jumps!

One day I may half-step the nice Stronglight 99 crank with a 46 outer,
but for now the 42/XX is fine (I have a 32 in the inner position but
have scored several 28s and a 30).

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 5:09 PM, rperks <perks....@gmail.com> wrote:
> that is the biggest problem with trying to please everybody.
> Example:
> I have been happily using 14-28 5 and 6 speed freewheels for a few
> years now, then recent failures led back down the garden path of
> vintage.  I had found a 14-16-19-22-26-30 in a pile of junk at out
> local swap meet, it had been sitting in my parts bin for a while, and
> thought the spacing and range was a bit wacky.  have had it on the
> Roadeo for over a month now with my 50-30 up front and it is a dream
> come true.  The jumps are pretty big, but the middle 4 gears are just
> perfect.  was able to track down another to keep in reserve, and the
> average price between the two works out to almost be reasonable.
> Rob
> -
> http://oceanaircycles.com/
> On Jul 12, 1:54 pm, William <tapebu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> So there is no dominant consensus among this group.  5, 6 and 7 would all be
>> welcomed, it seems.  12-14 on the small end up to 26-30 on the large end.
>>  That's over a dozen different models already, most likely.
> --
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Patrick Moore
Albuquerque, NM
For professional resumes, contact
Patrick Moore, ACRW

A billion stars go spinning through the night
Blazing high above your head;
But in you is the Presence that will be
When all the stars are dead.
(Rilke, Buddha in Glory)

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