I think it is interesting, for lack of a better word, that GP is addressing 
double top tubes in his latest posting on the Riv site. I respect the living 
daylights out of him and thank him everytime I ride my coupled 58cm Riv 
Rambouillet. I even go out of my way to never abbreviate "Rambouillet."
On the other hand, my eyes and brain have never gotten together on the 
looks. I get the logic, I get the utility for bigger bikes. But without 
being an engineer, I really can't imagine anything smaller that a 62 cm, 
well built, would ever benefit from 2 tubes. Maybe a big big rider with lots 
o added baggage.
And it sounds as if in his posting, he is suggesting the 56cm ones (which 
must be the heart of the buying population) are not moving so well..
If I am interpreting his comments correctly, it makes me sad the inventory 
is not moving. And he sounds ready to eventually acknowledge that many of us 
are not ready to embrace the 2TT idea.
He is steadfast in a way that earns him my respect, and...

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