Yea I get the whole IGH thing but I haven't found the four speed/ soon
to be five ratios limiting. My normal road gear is 66" my headwind
hill climber is a 51" and I will be getting a 22 tooth freewheel for
the flip side giving me a 44".  Any steeper than that and I just get
off and hike a little. I coast downhill and let let my legs rest for
climbing. I climb faster now but my overall times are the same. I just
put out effort in intervals now....which is better for me I think. The
whole derailleurless bicycle is kind of weird in a way but I don't
miss not having more or wider gearing. I do appreciate my geared
bicycle when I ride it.....however the Simple One is just different
and I see no need to change it.

On Jul 1, 12:02 pm, James Warren <> wrote:
> You know what would be awesome: a derailleurless Rivendell frame just like 
> the Simpleone but with 135 rear spacing and some cable stops that make it 
> ready to handle this in 11:
> or one of these:

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