Can you post photos? What sort of bars and what sort of stem?

Do you feel as if you are sitting so upright that you can't generate
adequate power on the pedals?

Just possibly your saddle needs to go back on the rails. I've found
that a rearward saddle position works well -- that is, gives me a
comfortable back, moderates the weight on shoulders, arms and hands,
and gives me the most power for a given effort -- with bars of
surprisingly different altitudes, from 5 cm below to 8 cm above the
saddle. There seems to be, for me, a certain angle of torso to
hips/legs that I need for said comfort and power, and if that angle is
too shallow, it doesn't matter how high or low the bars, all feels

You might take a look at Peter Jon White's site on bike setup,
particularly the part on fore-and-aft saddle position. (PJW's site is
wordy and rather hard to navigate, but the content is worth the

On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 4:54 PM, JL <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am looking for some advice with setting up a new to me Atlantis.
> The problem I am having is that the saddle feels so low compared to
> the front end.  Almost like I am riding a chopper-bike.  It is the
> strangest thing and I want help to fix the situation.  I tried
> lowering the bars - that didn't help. I moved my saddle slightly
> forward from how I would normally ride it and switched to a seat post
> with less setback -that helped some.  Could the tire compression in
> the rear add that much into the mix (26x1.75)?  I am accustomed to big
> soft tires (hetres) and the Atlantis has a steeper seat tube than
> other bikes I am comfortable on.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?
> --
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Patrick Moore
Albuquerque, NM
For professional resumes, contact
Patrick Moore, ACRW

A billion stars go spinning through the night
Blazing high above your head;
But in you is the Presence that will be
When all the stars are dead.
(Rilke, Buddha in Glory)

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