On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 12:09 PM, andrew hill <neurod...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've also got pretty short arms/legs for my torso - that's probably why i 
> haven't loved drops - e.g. to use them I'm stretched out over the bike too 
> much.

Again, short limbs don't mean bad fit with drop bars -- I can't get
comfortable with anything else and I have an upsized Asian build
(Filipina mother, WASP father). And I've found that drop bar height
ranging from a low of 5 cm below saddle (Rivs)  to fully 8 cm above
(Fargo), with about 1 cm below for the Herse all feels comfortable
and, indeed, surprisingly similar. I start with saddle setback and
height and measure the bar fore/aft position based on that and adjust
stem length accordingly. Thus my low bars are on 8 cm stems, my Herse
has a 9 and my Fargo probably has the equivalent in a mtb upjutter of
a 10, but with much wider bars for more reach. Thus, the hooks on the
Fargo are similar to the hoods on the Rivs.

Saddle postion, my friend, saddle position. With enough setback, your
back is comfortably cantilevered over the bar with little weight on
your hands, arms and shoulders, with bar height playing relatively
little role in the way your body is supported.

Has anyone tried the old Maes Professional replicas -- long ramp,
tight curve, level ends --  from VO or Jan Heine? I'm tempted ...

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