Today was the 2011 Iron Crotch ride.  (A lower key version of the MN
Ironman, one of the oldest and largest group rides in the country.)
Temps ranged from the low 30s to the lower 30s with a very stiff
wind.  Probably constant around 20 with gusts near 30.  Add to that a
few showers and snow flurries and it made for an interesting ride.
Ended up doing the longest circuit of 58 miles at an average speed of
12 mph.  A number of really steep climbs and associated downhills.
Peak speed was a bit over 36 mph.  Did discover late in the ride I
need to adjust my front derailer.  Couldn't get into the granny gear.
Luckily was able to grunt up that particular hill.

Happen to start out about the same time as list member Dan A.  He
quickly left me in the dust.  Which was good, as I am slow and don't
like bogging down other riders.  Didn't spot any more Rivendells

While my overall speed was poor, I do have an excuse, uh, reason,
there were parts on the latter half of the ride where I needed to
pedal to continue forward motion downhill.  While not the most windy
I've ridden, it was pretty brutal when combined with the temps.  A
bank thermometer at noon was displaying 34 degrees.

A few pics here -

Eric Platt
St. Paul, MN

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