...and VO has a 20% off sale going through the 19th.  So you can get a
switchable dynamo to play with for just over $100.  I've got a rim for
it, too.  Very tempting.

On Mar 14, 8:50 am, Pete <pedalling.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I see they finaly turned up at 
> VO:http://store.velo-orange.com/index.php/vo-switchable-dynamo-hub.html
> Even Grant seem to be impressed:http://www.rivbike.com/blogs/knothole_post/322
> Lot's of people have talked about it but since it's new asking for a
> review is premature so lets speculate wildly!
> I'm on a budget so I'd like to ask If you guys think it's a good deal
> or should I buy the SON DeLux and eat spuds for a year? Intended use
> are commuting, brevés and touring.
> Oh, found the producer:http://www.sp-dynamo.com/spproductswitchdisc.html

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